Animal yoga poses for kids

Jumping kangaroo

I just got back from my trip to Australia and I have missed my nanny kids a lot!

It's always a good idea to talk with kids about different countries in the world and the diversity of nature and culture. I told them stories about our adventures in Australia and all the animals we have seen. My oldest nanny kid was intrigued by kangaroos and was keen to make one together.

I found a template and description of a jumping kangaroo on this website. I printed the template on thick paper, let the kids decorate the kangaroo with pencils, cut it out and attached the leg and paw to the body with a paper fastener. As a final step I used sticky tape to attach a straw to the body. All three nanny kids made a cute jumping kangaroo with a little joey in their womb. 

In the evening we used a torch to perform a shadow play with the kangaroos while telling funny stories about their adventures. We had such a great time and when the parents arrived home, one of the children shouted: “you need to buy a ticket for this show daddy!”.