Animal yoga poses for kids

Chestnut spider web & spider

Do you know what I like the most about autumn? All the materials you can collect in nature and use for crafts with your kids. 

What about making a spider and his web? Go outside to look for chestnuts and pick a rainy day to make this autumn craft. 

There are several ways to make a spider. Be creative with the materials that are available. I got inspired by RedTedArt. With just a pair of googly eyes and pipe cleaners, your kid can create his own spider. As you know spiders have 8 legs. Unfortunately our legs were a bit big, so we could only make four. Therefor we decided our spider has to live with just 4 legs :-) Would you fancy to make a spider web as well? You can find a description on the same website!

As addition to the activity you can educate your kids about spiders by telling stories, looking for webs in the woods or your own backyard. 

I drew a spider for my nanny kids and wrote the word "spin" (spider in Dutch) above it. He looks a bit grumpy, but he was not able to catch a fly in his web today ;-)